Universidad Javeriana de Cali Web Portal

Cliente: Universidad Javeriana de Cali

Type of service provided: Website

Country: Colombia

Version: Drupal 7-8

Sector: Education

Infrastructure, SEO and site optimization

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, an institution run by the Society of Jesus, with nearly 400 years of history in Colombia and more than 40 years in Cali, has 19 undergraduate programs, 16 specializations, 10 master's degrees, several magazines and publications, as well as a cultural radio station on frequency modulation (107.5 FM).

Continuing Education, as a process of permanent updating and training of its graduates and the community in general, has diploma courses and seminars in different areas of knowledge.


The University's marketing and content team realized the need to improve the way their content was displayed and targeted to all their stakeholders with a new structure and design, and to move to a platform that would allow them to create micro-sites very quickly, be more secure and faster to load.

Why was Drupal 7 chosen for this project?

The University had a CMS that was not allowing them to scale to the functionalities and content management delegated to each area. Drupal 7 meets the content management, security, stability and support features they were looking for.

Project description:

Within the improvement process we helped the Universidad Javeriana de Cali to:

  • Select Drupal 7 for the development of the portal.

  • Propose the necessary infrastructure features for the hosting of the portal.

  • Make a usability analysis of the site, taking into account navigation standards, readability and use of all the functionalities proposed in the architecture.

  • Wireframes and graphic design of the home page and internal sections of the entire portal.

  • Code development according to the requirements provided by the University.

  • Development of the Continuing Education Virtual Community.


The University now has a fully manageable Drupal 7 portal, optimized in terms of performance, information availability, infrastructure and SEO.