John Van Dik in his blog has published the information he used at DrupalCamp Iowa 2011 for his presentation "Introduction to Drupal 7 Architecture", he classifies this presentation as a brief high-level summary of Drupal, I consider it to be quite valuable information to understand what the Drupal execution flow is and the most common environments.
From the presentation I highlight and recommend seeing the following:
- The way it shows the sequence from a standard server with LAMP, through the improvements with Varnish, load balancing and how mysql scales.
- The sequence of execution of a request made to a Drupal site that allows us to glimpse a bit of the architecture in version 7, going through the menu system, the execution of the hooks, the alteration of the data structure, the rendering of the information in HTML format etc.
- The block diagram that captures a mental model to understand how Drupal works.
- The explanation of what an entity is
You can download the original and complete version in English from John's blog .
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