
How to display PHP error messages in Drupal 8 and 9

If you are ever working with code in Drupal and encounter the typical message, "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later," it’s a sign that there’s a bug. However, there’s no way to know exactly where it occurred, and it's tedious to go back and forth trying to find it manually. Drupal has an error level manager to help display errors.

The following tip is a trick developers can use to make the most obvious errors visible.

All you have to do is copy the following code.

Codigo PHP

And paste it into the "settings.php" file of your Drupal installation.

DrupalEasy Learning at DrupalCon Portland 2022

DrupalEasy is a Drupal crash course and consultancy located in Cocoa, Florida. They are passionate about Drupal and especially developing Drupal talent. Its professional development workshops and training programs are presented through DrupalEasy Academy, which is licensed by the Board of Independent Education, Florida Department of Education.

A look at the base Zen theme in Drupal 8

With around 118,713 reported installs at the moment,  Zen  is almost twice as popular as Omega, which comes in second. This means there is a large community answering questions, writing documentation, and fixing bugs, along with some hardened code, that other base themes can't match.

How to install a Drupal 9 demo on Pantheon

Pantheon gives us the option to work in separate environments, which can be found in the upper left corner and are the development environment (Dev), the test environment (Test) and the production environment (Live). If the account used is not paid, you will only have access to the Dev and Test.