DrupalEasy Learning at DrupalCon Portland 2022
What is DrupalEasy Learning?
DrupalEasy is a Drupal crash course and consultancy located in Cocoa, Florida. They are passionate about Drupal and especially developing Drupal talent. Its professional development workshops and training programs are presented through DrupalEasy Academy, which is licensed by the Board of Independent Education, Florida Department of Education.
DrupalEasy Learning in Portland 2022
Nearly 1,300 people were present at DrupalCon Portland, the first in-person DrupalCon since 2019, including a group of current Drupal Career Online students, Alumni, Staff and mentors. Throughout the week it wasn't just the talks and connections that were interesting, it was also the insights and points of view from the DrupalEasy Learning community.
2021 graduate Kwame Weusi-Puryear founded the “You Are Not a Fraud” talk, enjoyed his first DrupalCon contribution, had already participated in other Drupal events, but found DrupalCon…
“ Big and very diverse! Drupal representatives from all over the world attended and everyone was different, new, old, agency owners, freelancers, volunteers, everyone was represented.”
Recent graduate (Spring 2022) Yang Turner from Palantir.net enjoyed the talk on “Building Strongly Visual Content with Design Paragraphs. This wasn't Yang's first DrupalCon, and when she was asked what she liked most about the event, she said:
“Honestly, what surprised me the most was the community! I love how diverse this community is, it’s made by the people and for the people. There’s room for everyone, it gives you time and space to engage and grow.”
Yang also specifically mentioned the moment where she earned her first contribution credit during one of the events, while working with DrupalEasy mentor Sara Cartee-Kennedy of Bounteous.
For more information about Drupal Easy Learning visit their pages: