Drupal 9.2.0 is now available

Drupal 9.2.0 está disponible

What's new in Drupal 9.2.0?

The second release of Drupal 9 features helps keep your site even more secure and comes with increased privacy protection for visitors, improved Drupal 7 migration tools, improvements to the Olivero interface theme, and early support for the WebP image format.

Security and privacy improvements

Critical security advisories and public service announcements will now be displayed on the status report page and on certain administration pages for site administrators. This helps prepare site owners to apply security fixes in a timely manner. To further protect the privacy of your site visitors, Drupal 9.2.0 now blocks user tracking without Google Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) cookies by default.

Best ready-made building blocks

The Olivero theme, soon to be Drupal’s new default front-end theme, has dozens of major improvements in this release, including a new form layout and several accessibility fixes. The built-in Umami demo is also now more flexible with a built-in editor role and a more versatile Layout Builder demo.

On the way to Drupal 10

In preparation for Drupal 10, all Symfony 5 and several Symfony 6 compatibility issues have been resolved. As part of the Drupal 9 interface revamp, the core Tour feature now uses ShepherdJS instead of jQuery Joyride. This significantly improves the accessibility of tours and removes yet another dependency on jQuery.

Other improvements

The already stable Drupal 7 migration path is now extended with migrations for user settings, node/user reference fields, and other previously missing pieces.

Drupal's GD toolkit integration, and therefore image styles, can now manage WebP images. There is more to do to get full WebP support. Stay tuned for improvements in future versions.

Take a look at the key features of the future

The next major update to CKEditor 5 is being worked on in a contributed project. Progress has been made on several aspects of the roadmap and the project is close to completing all issues identified as requirements to label a beta version. The core is expected to be included in Drupal 9.3.0, but contributed projects are requested to develop support before that.

The Automated Updates Initiative has been very active in the repositories at   https://github.com/php-tuf   building a PHP implementation of The Update Framework (TUF) with Typo3 and Joomla developers to provide secure update signing and verification for PHP applications. The results will be included in later versions of Drupal.

What does this mean to me?

Drupal 9 Site Owners

Drupal 9.0.x is now out of security coverage. Please upgrade to at least 9.1.x to continue receiving security support.

Drupal 8 Site Owners

Update to at least 8.9.x to continue receiving bug fixes until the end of life of Drupal 8 in November 2021. The next bug fix release (8.9.17) is scheduled for June 7, 2021. (See the  release schedule overview  for more information.) Drupal 8 versions prior to 8.9.x no longer receive security coverage.

With only five months left in Drupal 8's end-of-life, we suggest you  upgrade from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 as soon as possible  . The upgrade is supported directly from 8.8.x and 8.9.x. Of the 1000 most used drupal.org projects, 94% are updated for Drupal 9, so the modules and themes you rely on are probably compatible.

Drupal 7 Site Owners

Drupal 7 is supported until November 28, 2022 and will continue to receive bug and security fixes during this time until at least November 2025, vendors will offer the Drupal 7 Extended Support Program.

On the other hand, the site migration path from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 is stable.

Translation contributors, modules and topics

Recent releases such as Drupal 9.2.0 include backward-compatible API additions for developers as well as new features.

Since recent releases are backward compatible, modules, themes, and translations that support Drupal 9.1.x and earlier will also be compatible with 9.2.x. However, the new release includes some changes to strings, user interfaces, internal APIs, and API deprecations. This means that some minor updates to your translations, modules, and themes may be necessary.

This release brings the Drupal project even further forward and represents the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and contributors from a variety of organizations. Thank you to everyone who contributed to Drupal 9.2.0!

Taken and translated from:  https://www.drupal.org/blog/drupal-9-2-0