Drupal modules for E-commerce benefit the management of various aspects for your website. Here is a list of the top 9 (Divided into parts) of modules you need to install
- Drupal commerce
- The Core Commerce module makes it easier for teams to adapt to change. The module offers features such as creating product types with custom attributes, dynamic product pages with one or more variations, multiple order types and correlated payment flows, additional functionality through contributing modules.
- Commerce Shipping
- The Commerce Shipping module provides a shipping rate calculation system for Drupal Commerce, integrating shipping service selection into Checkout and Order forms. Shipping service availability and rate calculation is handled in the user interface via Rules and is supported by an API that gives you a high level of flexibility to implement simple or complex shipping scenarios.
- Commerce Stock
- The Commerce stock module for Drupal commerce provides stock management for Drupal Commerce stores. This Drupal 9 E-commerce module supports stock in decimal and works with the online entity module. It has an advanced add to cart button setup for more control and the trade stock field formatter to convert stock levels into text messages. The E-commerce module also has a rule to check cart form submission, which is also used for payment submission and review submission.
- Commerce Cart API
- The Commerce Cart API module provides a relaxed interface for interacting with carts in Drupal Commerce through a public API. A default implementation of a cart API can be found in the Cart Flyout module
Credits: https://www.thedroptimes.com/9213/9-most-installed-e-commerce-modules-drupal-9?utm_source=drupal-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=drupal-newsletter-20220616