Ease of loading content in Drupal 8

There are many improvements that you'll notice as soon as you log in. However, there are many other little gems that you'll discover as you continue to use your new Drupal 8 site. For example, in previous versions of Drupal, editing the "Authored on" date was done using a text field, in Drupal 8 you simply select the date.

More consistent visual design

Right off the bat, you can see some changes to the admin menu, which is very simple. The admin menu can be docked either to the top or to the side of the screen, allowing for easier editing on smaller screens. By clicking the dock button you can switch between the two quickly.


The changes are subtle, you could say that the user interface has changed a lot more between Drupal 6 to 7, compared to Drupal 7 to 8. For this reason the change is not going to be so jarring. Overall, it is more visually appealing and the layout of third-party modules will be more consistent thanks to the efforts of some designers to develop a clear style guide. 

 It's easier to add content

CKEditor is included by default in this version, in addition to allowing you to bold or italicize text, add images, links, among other common WYSIWYG actions, it also supports extra functionalities such as captions on images, thanks to the new CKEditor Widgets feature which was developed specifically for Drupal.


Image showing the inclusion of a caption to an image using WYSIWYG


Image showing an example of an image with a caption entered from the WYSIWYG


The content edit form options appear in two columns, which can be collapsed, making it easy to review settings.


The WYSIWYG editor is now included in the core.


It even improves WYSIWYG versions of Drupal 7. For example, when configuring buttons, it automatically updates input formats.


Copy and paste from Word, can be debugged before pasting.


Copy and paste preserves the markup.


Easier to find and edit content

Default settings: Revisions are automatically created for the content.

With the “Save and Publish” option there is no longer any confusion about published and unpublished statuses.


It is possible to change the publication date by choosing options instead of editing a blank text field.


In-place editing, "Quick editing" allows you to change content without having to visit another page.


Image Management

It is possible to upload and align images.


You can caption images in the WYSIWYG editor. 


Easier to manage content and users

The front page is now a configurable View.

Internal admin pages, like the content list, and people list are also Views, meaning you can customize the experience.

For example, it is possible to configure the options for bulk editing or the available filters:


The people list allows you to search by specific permissions, and filters are also configurable.


Taken from Acquia.com

Translated by Seed EM