For the first time PHP is the third most popular language

According to the "TIOBE Programming Community index", which offers an indicator of popularity in programming languages, PHP is located in the third place of the most popular languages ​​this October, being surpassed by more general use languages ​​such as Java and C, that is, a very good indicator for a language designed only for the Web.

The results are based on the number of expert engineers worldwide, courses and suppliers, popularity in search engines Yahoo, Google, MSN, Wikipedia and Youtube. However, it should be noted that this is not an indicator of the quality of a programming language or the number of lines of code written, but rather a very useful measure to understand market trends and help in decision making regarding future software developments.

From a market point of view, this trend may be the response to the growing market of Internet tools and solutions that are being developed more frequently and the special attention that companies are paying to social network trends through small Widgets. or applications and the Web 2.0 concept.