The Most Popular Drupal 9 Modules to Improve Website Performance

Los módulos de Drupal 9 más populares para mejorar el rendimiento del sitio web


Improving your website performance is important for achieving customer satisfaction and better search engine rankings. These are the top 10 Drupal modules that will help you improve the performance of your Drupal 9 website.


  1. Site Audit

Site Audit is a Drupal static site analysis platform that generates reports with actionable best practice recommendations. Drupal's performance module uses a technique known as static program analysis. This mechanism does not actually make requests to the target Drupal site and by doing so avoids the observer effect. It is non-intrusive, so no installation at the target site or configuration is required. This helps you get quick and reliable reports and can detect common issues and provide insight into Drupal sites. Reports can be generated in multiple formats, including plain text, HTML, and JSON. Pantheon supported the initial development and Four Kitchens was responsible for the development of the site audit from 2014 to 2016.


  1. Blazy

The Blazy module provides lazy loading of images to save bandwidth and prevent higher bounce rate. This allows you to reduce loading time by not loading a large number of images that are not visible and will save data usage if users do not navigate through the entire page. This Drupal performance module is mobile-friendly and does not allow images, especially iframes, to kill mobile traffic. The Drupal 9 module also allows you to set the offset to determine how soon an image will be visible to your user.


  1. Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation

The Advanced CSS/ Aggregation module packed with many submodules allows you to increase the front-end performance of your Drupal website. It will help your website load faster and reduce the number of HTTP requests. This Drupal 9 performance module also supports file comparison techniques such as brotli and gzip. Submodules include AdvAgg CDN, AdvAgg CSS/JS validator, AdvAgg External Minifier, and more.


  1. WebP

This module creates a WebP copy of image style derivatives to decrease loading times. Whenever an image style derivative is created this module will also create a WebP copy of the derivative to be served to supporting browsers. Duo, Pantheon and Acquia are the organizations supporting this Drupal performance module.


  1. Memcache API and Integration

This Drupal performance module provides integration between Drupal and Memcached. It creates an API for using Memcached and the PECL Memcache or Memcached libraries with Drupal. It provides a complete administrative overview of Drupal's interaction with Memcached and statistics. It also offers a set of tests that can be run to test the Memcache configuration. Tag1 Consulting is sponsoring the development of this module and Acquia has sponsored the release of 8x-2.0.


  1. Tome

Tome is a static site generator and a static content storage system. With this Drupal performance module, you can use Drupal in the same way as you would use other static site generators like Jekyll or Hugo where everything lives in a repository, and Drupal only runs on your local machine. You can store content in Git and only use Drupal when you need it. With this module, static builds are always partial and cached by default, and all commands are scaled using a combination of concurrency and batch processing. It is divided into two submodules Take Static and Take Sync. You can use them individually or together. OPTASY has funded the development of this Drupal 9 module. With this module, static builds are always partial and cached by default, and all commands are scaled using a combination of concurrency and batch processing. It is divided into two submodules Tome Static and Tome Sync. You can use them individually or together. OPTASY has funded the development of this Drupal 9 module.


  1. Warmer

This module of Drupal 9 provides all the infrastructure necessary to orchestrate your cache heating processes. You can warm up the cache of your critical entities right after deploying in production. Each heater plugin is responsible for heating a different type of items. You could have one plugin dedicated to entity caching, another for JSON:API normalizations, another that accesses URLs for CDN cache warming, and more. You can schedule cache warming and use Drush to warm your caches as part of your site's deployment script. Lullabot supports the development and maintenance of this Drupal performance module, while IBM supported the initial development.


  1. Purge

This Drupal performance module makes it easy to clean up external caching systems, reverse proxy servers and CDNs as content changes. This allows external caching layers to keep unchanged content cached infinitely, making content delivery more efficient, resilient and better protected against traffic spikes. Acquia sponsored corporate time for Niels Van Mourik to build and design version 8.x-3.x.


  1. Progressive Web App

This module uses Service Worker for caching and offline capabilities. Once Service Worker is active, page loading is faster. It also creates a configurable manifest.json file so that the website can be installed on supported mobile devices. Out of the box, the performance module meets enough PWA requirements that the “add to home screen” message is automatically triggered when a visitor returns frequently enough to your website. It also provides a perfect PWA Lighthouse audit score by default. The United Nations supported the development of Drupal 7, Moonraft Innovation Labs supported project maintenance and support, Invotra Ltd sponsored Drupal 7's development of configurable pattern caching and push notifications, and Smile supported Drupal 8 enhancements.


  1. Permanent Cache Bin

The sticky cache container provides a way to use Drupal's cache but still keep it separate from drush cr. This is when you need to cache some values ​​that are not related to Drupal settings or data, but come from external systems and don't really need to be removed when clearing the Drupal cache. Acquia, QED42 and Axelerant are compatible with this performance module.


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