What you need to know to be a good Internet citizen

Google has been carrying out a very interesting campaign to teach the basic concepts of Internet use and security, a campaign that is worth supporting because it helps reduce the digital divide and improve technological inclusion worldwide, so I want to share the website  http://www.20thingsilearned.com/es-419 with you , it is completely in Spanish and accompanied by fun graphics, very much in the Google style, which makes it very easy to understand.


At the beginning you will find a rather familiar introduction for those who never dared to ask their questions because they thought they were too absurd:

"What is a cookie? How do I protect myself on the web? And more importantly, what happens if a truck runs over my laptop?"

You will be able to understand about:

  • What is the Internet?
  • Web applications
  • Browser extensions
  • Phishing Malware and Security Risks

I hope you enjoy.

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