Why I am asking for your support for my nomination to the Drupal Org board of directors

Porqué pido tu apoyo a mi nominación a la junta directiva de Drupal Org

Dear fellow Drupalers from Latin America and Spain:

I want to complement  my nomination to the Drupal Association board of directors  with a few short words of motivation addressed to members of the Hispanic community.

This year I decided to nominate myself to promote from the board an idea that I consider very necessary to strengthen our presence in each of our countries and has to do with  education and certifications .

I believe that the Drupal Association has the opportunity to shape a  community certification model  that allows companies that do a good job with Drupal to have a mechanism to demonstrate their suitability to the companies and organizations that hire their services. This should be accompanied by a  developer certification model  in Spanish. We have seen in our experience that some very good developers; skilled in all development processes with Drupal, they fall short in their command of the English language and that does not allow them to successfully complete exams available on the market but in English.

I believe that if we work on a model so that companies and developers from the Hispanic world can access the above, we would be taking a step forward in the spirit of plurality of Drupal and also giving greater confidence to the end users of the platform in terms of technical capacity of those of us who work on Drupal at a professional level.

If you still don't know how to vote,  follow the guide we have prepared .

A cordial greeting,

Jairo Pinzon