Red Raíz: a digital real estate project with the Seed seal

Red raíz  is a project that from the beginning was conceived as a portal for Internet users interested in acquiring, exchanging and renting properties through real estate agents. As its name indicates, it is a user network that was developed taking into account the raison d'être of Web 2.0: the Internet is for users, by users, and they are the ones who generate and transform information.

Other websites dedicated to the real estate area store user information, but do not generate other levels of interaction between them other than sharing a link, comparing items or contacting property sellers.

This project had two main objectives, creating a network of users and implementing a search engine. On the one hand, the portal network has a peculiarity: users obtain economic rewards according to their position in the hierarchy within the network. In this way, a user can earn rewards by inviting their contacts to register on the site. Through a percentage defined by the administrator on each property sold, the user earns a commission, according to the number of contacts invited by him who agree to register and sell properties on  Red Raíz .


In order to implement commissions, the development team created a module for the administrator to enter the percentage (%) of the commission that all users of the network will earn and in this way each seller will be able to see what their potential commission could be on each property of his 'children'.


The translation modules available during the development of the project did not work. For this reason, the developer team had to create a module that would perform the translations of the facets, nodes and checkboxes, through the implementation of the “T” function in the field labels.

Within the site, on the main page, a type of animated image was introduced: a 360° view of the interior of a property. This image caused overlapping issues. When displaying the administrator menu, the image was superimposed on the menu and did not allow the pop-up windows to be seen to use the administrator tools. Finally, the development team detected that the problem was due to a problem in the iFrame of the original file created in Flash.

According to the client's specifications, the network works in a single direction and only applies to the first generation, that is, the user who invites others becomes a parent-user of child-users (the referenced contacts). .

The user-parent earns a commission on each property sold by his 'children', and each user-child can become a parent to others, but the user-children do not benefit from the user-parent. However, the commission only applies to the first generation, that is, the sales of the children of a user's children (technically the 'grandchildren') are not displayed, nor do they report any benefit to the 'grandparent' user.

This operation does not limit non-referenced users. Any seller can register on Redraiz on their own and will automatically be assigned a parent user, which in this case would be the site administrator.

On the other hand, the implementation of a search engine on the site involved setting up filters for searches, so that users could enter the code assigned to each property. To achieve this, Apache Solr was used as a search engine using facets (filters).

Additionally, spaces were enabled to introduce advertising banners and image galleries for each item on the site, both manageable by the administrator user. Each user can upload an unlimited number of images.

If you have any concerns, we will gladly resolve them through this  form  or our Twitter account  @seedcolombia

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